-“ There’s too Much Art so You Should Just Stop Creating” - Hello guys! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend creating amazing pieces of art!! Today, I wanted to talk to you guys about something that was brought to my attention last week that really got me thinking. To be honest, I got me a little upset at first but I knew I needed to give it some thought before I started a conversation about it with you. It has come to my attention that some people think that there is just too much art in the world. Artists are making art at an amazing rate, not to mention the ease of that art being able to get out into the world via the various social media sites on the Internet. To tackle this problem, I think we will have to break this up into a few different talking points: · Who is making the art · Is it really art/worth selling · How much does the art cost/worth · ...
This Blog will explain different ways to get noticed as an artist and what steps you can take to make your art known.