Hey, Guys!! Today I wanted to talk to you about artwork critiques and the most common fixes to making your artwork amazing!! I have a lot of artist call me or contact me to ask about their own artwork. They ask what they can work on to make it look better or ask simply about different techniques that they are using for the first few times. Now, I know that most artwork will not be the same, but I do have a few helpful hints to help your overall artwork succeed and look more dynamic. First I would like to talk about Lights & Darks . These are very simple but very important things to keep in mind when doing any type of artwork: Pencil, painting, watercolor, pen & ink, charcoal, photography etc. Look at these two images and tell me what you see.... image 1: image 2: First, both are great images, but one just looks better than the other. Why do you think that is? ...
This Blog will explain different ways to get noticed as an artist and what steps you can take to make your art known.