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Through Failure Comes Success!!

Failure can be a Positive Thing!

   It's hard falling on your face. I know this feeling, oh to well. It's a feeling that seems like it takes the breath right out of you, it takes the wind out of your sails and you're not sure if you can recover. Well, guess what... You can!!!

   "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." Henry Ford was an amazing and innovating man. He is no stranger to failure, but he overcame the obstacles in his way and changed the world!! 

   Keep this in mind the next time you "think" you have failed. Try to understand that it is a new opportunity to learn and correct what made you come up short. Next time wont be the same if you've learned from the mistakes that were made!!

   I remember when I was young and learning how to draw. I thought I was going to be the best but when I sat down for my first few lessons I soon realized I wasn't that good. I was devastated! I wanted to draw so bad and looking at my work I saw that I couldn't. I wanted to quit.

  It's funny thinking back on it now. I never drew anything before this time period and I thought I would just be great at it the first time. In my eyes, I failed. But, I didn't let that stop me. I wanted to  learn to draw so bad. I couldn't stop myself from trying, and trying again.

   Thomas Edison, the man that gave the world the light bulb, tried 10,000 times before he got it right. It's that perseverance that makes someone successful! Without this drive, without the passion to carry on through the think of it is when you are then a failure.

   There is no way around it. Failure is the key to success. You can't avoid it, you must go through it. So, the next time you feel like you've been beaten by it all just remember....

   I hope this helped you. I hope this can motivate you to get back out there and try, try and try again! Falling is only a failure if you don't get back up. Stay strong and focused. You will do great things but we all need to learn on the way.

   I would love to hear your thoughts on failure. Have you ever overcome something that most people would see as a failure? Tell me about it in the comments section. And, if you found this helpful or you know someone who could benefit from hearing these words, please share!!

   Thank you so much for reading this. Keep being who you are!! You will success, just keep trying at it! I wish you the best!!
