Find me on FaceBook Advertise In Any Way You Can Saw this bus in a parking lot and couldn't resist taking a picture. No matter what you do or how much money you have, advertising is hard work and expensive! Most people have no idea where to start or even how to start for that matter. It's not easy, but I will say that there is a lot a free advertising that is out there. You just have to do some work to find it. First, I'm going to talk a little bit about 'cheap' advertising. This consists of a few dollars or how ever much you want to put in. Now, I have heard by a few people that you advertising budget should be about 25%-30% of you net profit, assuming you are making a profit already. I don't know about you, but that's a lot. If your like Nike™, it's probably not a thing, but if your like me, you count every penny that comes your way. LOL. And, counting pennies and saving change is how I do most of my advertising. You can do a lot wit...
This Blog will explain different ways to get noticed as an artist and what steps you can take to make your art known.