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Advertise In Any Way You Can

Saw this bus in a parking lot and couldn't resist taking a picture.

  No matter what you do or how much money you have, advertising is hard work and expensive! Most people have no idea where to start or even how to start for that matter. It's not easy, but I will say that there is a lot a free advertising that is out there. You just have to do some work to find it.

  First, I'm going to talk a little bit about 'cheap' advertising. This consists of a few dollars or how ever much you want to put in. Now, I have heard by a few people that you advertising budget should be about 25%-30% of you net profit, assuming you are making a profit already. I don't know about you, but that's a lot. If your like Nike™, it's probably not a thing, but if your like me, you count every penny that comes your way. LOL. And, counting pennies and saving change is how I do most of my advertising. You can do a lot with just your change: stickers, badges, hats, one color t-shirts, fliers, business cards, ads on the internet, etc. It's pretty much endless if you are creative with it and you can do most of it yourself. If you can't do most of it yourself, it's time to start getting your friends involved. Good friends can go a much longer way than the "all mighty dollar."

  Friends are the best way to advertise. They will praise you no matter what and always tell other people about what a great job you are doing. Well, good friends will do that.... Word of mouth is the most important type of advertising. More people will believe what their friends tell them than what they read or see on TV, and that's fact!! The trick is to get your friends to start talking about it and it should spread like wildfire. This may take longer than most people/businesses want, so there are other ways to help this along.

  Stickers with you logo can go a long way if they are appeasing to the eye and are placed in the right spots around town. No, I'm not tell you to sale them. You should use them almost like business cards, only stick them to things. Ask first before you start sticking stickers on everything that you see...Defacing public/privet property....Don't want to get charged/arrested for trying to advertise!! Do it smartly. Most people don't mind as long as you ask first. Put them in places that everyone looks, a place where everyone sees. Be creative. It only takes one good placed sticker to start a buzz. Now, once your sticker is placed, take a picture of it. I know, how easy is that?!? Now you can advertise/promote your stickers on your various social networks. (This is when your friends come back into play) Set a day that you and your group go out and place stickers. Split up of course. Try to go as many places as you can and don't forget to get pictures!!

  Other free advertising is to make your own fliers. Something simple with basic info on it that looks cool. It doesn't have to be very big, maybe the size of a concert poster 8" x 11" or 5" x 8". Hang them everywhere!! Tape, staple (where permitted), glue, etc. Where ever you can put them. Depending on your demographic, you could put them up in colleges, bars, venues, pubs, etc. Most places will allow this type of advertising no matter what. (grab your friends again for another day on the town).

  Now the last way  to free advertising I'm going to talk about is hard to do....really hard to do. You need to know someone in high places that believes in whatever it is that you are doing. Maybe getting an investor is a good idea for your business, but you will have to pay them back for what they do for you. Having a friend in high places can get you a long way!! Just knowing the right people can drive your business to the next level. Always network, you never know where you will find that right person that changes your life forever!! Whenever you go out, restaurants, gas station, grocery store, anywhere. Be prepared to talk to anyone and everyone about your business. You should always be ready to sale yourself/your business.

Great things will come if you keep at it. Let me know if you guys have any questions or concerns, I'm here to help in anyway I can!! Please remember to Subscribe, Like, and Share!! Maybe I will see you and your business on the next Times Magazine!! Good luck. I'll talk to you guys next time!


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