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#1 Easiest and Most Effective Way to Get Noticed

Surrealio DanGi

  Hey guys!! I'm going to talk to you a little about what you can do to make yourself known as an artist.

  There are a few things that one could do but the most important (I feel to be the most important) is to define yourself as an artist. You should ask yourself several questions before you start.

  • What is it that I do? 
  • What art niche do I fall into? 
  • Am I Fine Art, Abstract, Realist, Photography, Digital, Sculpture, etc?

  Once you have an idea of what type of artist that you are, its time to search for purpose. Ask yourself why you are the artist you are; for the love of art, for the money, for the fame, to help charities, etc?
Understanding what your plan is should be number one to finding out what type of artist you want to become/are.

  The last part in "finding yourself" is to ask yourself, "How am I different?" This is the biggest question an artist can ask him/herself in my opinion. This question is what separates the successful and the normal. 

  Lets face it, most of the artist that try to become famous never do and fall into a JOB that they never thought they would have. It's not because they didn't get out there and show their work, it's just because they couldn't bring anything new to the table. Now, if you are just trying to get known as a Digital Artist or Photography Artist, this is not the blog for you. But, if you are an aspiring Sculptor or Painter, you should stay and read this very closely.

  Through my many years of working hard at my art and trying to make a name for myself, I have learned that the number 1 way to get my name known in the public is to be in the public. I know, it sounds easy, right?!? Well, that's what I did. I went to any and every outdoor public event that I could a painting live. Everyone loves to see something be created. Even if it's not that great, people will stand and watch. That's really all you want people to do at first. Create a buzz about yourself while you are there. People will be drawn to you just see what you are doing and how you are doing it. Now, at this time I do recommend that you have some kind of business card or flier that has your information on it. You can actually lay that info at your feet and people will grab it as you paint. They don't have to say anything, all you really want them to do is put your name in there head!

  Live painting is the easiest and most effective way to get noticed anywhere. As long as there are foot traffic of people, they will watch you! Now, I can't say that all people will watch. Everyone does have their on agenda and they want to get things done for themselves, but people will watch and gather your contact info. Let's say that 100 people walk by, less than half will stop, less than half of them will grab your info. I would say about 17% of people will collect information but only 5% will actually act on what they have.

  It's also important to remember to be available to talk if someone has questions onsite but don't be pushy about your sales. No one likes going to the car dealership because all the sale reps rush you when you first pull on to the lot. It's just not fun for the customer. It will make them uncomfortable and they can and will find art somewhere else.

  Once you have found some placed to go and paint live, you should be out there almost every day!! Your success WILL NOT happen over night. Anything worth doing is hard work but I encourage you to stick with it and great things WILL come! 

"Success can not be found walking down the middle of a paved road, it lies where you make your own path through the thicket."
